The impact of graphene on the setting and strength of concrete

The impact of graphene

on the setting and strength of concrete

Setting accelerating additives for cement-based structures are usually used when it is necessary to reach the desired resistance in less time, either to maintain continuous production or when the product needs to be put into operation immediately. However, the large number of variables that interfere in this process makes it difficult to accurately anticipate the acceleration that can be obtained with each new additive; without forgetting the importance of controlling the exothermic reaction or heat release that occurs during the setting or curing of the cement to avoid the appearance of thermal cracks in the final product.

To understand part of the reactions that occur during the setting of cement, it is important to know a little about its composition, for example: around 75% is made up of tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate which, when reacting with water, form calcium hydroxide and silicate. hydrated calcium (C-S-H), the latter being a nanometric component and, at the same time, the most important element, since the setting, hardening, resistance and dimensional stability of the cement depend on it.

Previous articles have discussed the interesting interaction of C-S-H nanoparticles with graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles, another nanometric structure composed of carbon atoms and oxygen groups that has captured the attention of the construction industry thanks to its benefits during the hydration of cement and the direct impact it has to improve its mechanical resistance and durability, but also its interesting role as a setting accelerator, mainly for lightened polymeric concretes.

“GO acts as a catalytic agent during the cement hydration reaction”

The presence of oxygenated groups on the surface of GO allows it to absorb water and cement molecules to stabilize, on one hand, the atoms in the C-S-H by providing oxygen sites for the silicate chains and on the other, to act as a reservoir of water and transport channels to improve the hydration of cement.

In addition, the excellent compatibility of GO with different types of resins made it the perfect candidate for reinforcing polymer-type concrete that, although it does not contain a significant phase of hydrated cement, Portland cement is often used as a filling material and, thus giving the GO a larger array to transfer its properties to.

Graphenergy Construcción® is a water-based multipurpose additive with a specialized formula based on Graphene Oxide that contributes to improve the microstructure of any cement-based product, offering the following benefits during the setting process:

Setting: Acceleration of setting time up to 30%.

Drying: Helps uniform drying with fewer marks or moisture spots.

Increased resistance during demoulding of precast products: Greater integrity of the structures, better definition of angles and a significant reduction of product fracture.

Resistance to thermal changes: the good thermal conductivity of its formulation promotes a more homogeneous heat distribution during the hydration of the cement and, therefore, contributes to reducing the appearance of thermal cracks and reduces product fractures in cold climates.

Good integration with other additives or components of concrete mixes. It favors the workability of the mixtures.

Drafting: EF/DHS


  1. Ultrahigh Performance Nanoengineered Graphene- Concrete Composites for Multifunctional Applications. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018; 28: 1705183;
  2. The role of graphene/graphene oxide in cement hydration. Nanotechnology Reviews. 2021;10(1):768;
  3. Experimental study of the effects of graphene nanoplatelets on microstructure and compressive properties of concrete under chloride ion corrosion. Construction and Building Materials, 2022; 360, 129564;
  4. Effect Of On Graphene Oxide the Concrete Resistance to Chloride Ion Permeability. IOP Conf. Ser. 2018: Mater. Sci. Eng. 394 032020;
  5. Effects of graphene oxide on early-age hydration and electrical resistivity of Portland cement paste. Constr Build Mater. 2017; 136, 506;
  6. Recent progress on graphene oxide for next-generation concrete: Characterizations, applications and challenges. “J. Build. Eng. 2023; 69, 106192;
  7. Graphene nanoplatelet reinforced concrete for self-sensing structures – A lifecycle assessment perspective. J. Clean. Prod. 2019; 240, 118202;
  8. Graphene opens pathways to a carbon -neutral cement industry. Science Bulletin. 2021; 67;
  9. Reinforcing Effects of Graphene Oxide on Portland Cement Paste. J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2014; A4014010-1;
  10. A review on the properties, reinforcing effects, and commercialization of nanomaterials for cement-based materials. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2020; 9: 303–322, 10;
  11. Chloride permeability of reinforced concrete located in a submerged marine environment. Construction Engineering Magazine. 2007; 22: 1, 15;
  12. Penetrability of concrete to water and aggressive ions as a determining factor of its durability. Construction Materials, 1973; 23: 150;
  13. Electrical resistivity as a control parameter of concrete and its durability. ALCONPAT Magazine, 2011; 1 (2), 90,
  14. Portland cement blended with nanoparticles. Dyna, 2007; 74:152, 277;
  15. Improvement in concrete resistance against water and chloride ingress by adding graphene nanoplatelet. Cem concres, 2016; 83:114;
  16. Catalytic behavior of graphene oxide for cement hydration process. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016; 89: 128.
  17. Review on Graphene oxide composites. Int. J nanomater nanostructures. 2016; 24.

The ingredient that will transform the plastics industry

The ingredient that will transform the plastics industry:

Discover the benefits of Graphenemex graphene masterbatches as a nucleation agent

The plastics industry constantly demands new reinforcements or additives that allow the improvement of plastic materials, both for commercial and engineering use. In recent years, the use of graphene and its derivatives (graphene oxide, GO) has been promoted as new reinforcements for different polymer matrices.

Graphene is a nanomaterial (nanometric particle) that has extraordinary electrical, optical, thermal properties and high mechanical resistance. The properties of graphene are attributed to its structure in the form of two-dimensional (2D) sheets, formed by carbon atoms linked in a hexagonal manner and a thickness of one carbon atom.

The incorporation of graphene materials in polymers allows the development of polymeric compounds with greater mechanical resistance, greater impact resistance, resistance to UV radiation and greater thermal stability, among other properties. This allows obtaining better materials, with great potential and a wide range of applications for different sectors (automotive, aerospace, electronics or packaging).

In general when we talk about traditional polymeric compounds, they are materials that contain a quantity (~40%) of reinforcement in the polymeric matrix. In contrast, polymeric compounds with graphene (nanocomposites), graphene improves the properties of the polymer with the use of low concentrations (<2% weight), as reinforcement. Various investigations have shown that polymers functionalized with graphene materials provide improvements in mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. For example in:

  • Polypropylene / Graphene compounds, showed an increase in flexural modulus (30%) and an increase in impact resistance (40%) compared to other commercial composites.
  • Polyethylene / Graphene compound, improves tensile strength (17%), flexural strength and rupture strength (66%).
  • Polystyrene/graphene compounds, showed an increase in electrical conductivity at room temperature from 0.1 to 1 S/m.

In addition to what was mentioned above, it is important to indicate that graphene materials function as nucleation agents in semicrystalline polymers. One of the most important characteristics of semicrystalline polymers is the degree of crystallinity. Many properties are influenced by the degree of crystallinity of the polymers.

While crystallinity in metals and ceramics implies the arrangement or arrangement of atoms and ions, in polymers it implies the arrangement of molecules and, therefore, the complexity is greater. Polymer crystallinity can be thought of as the packing of molecular chains to produce an ordered atomic arrangement. Because polymer molecules are large and complex, they are often partially crystalline (semi-crystalline) with scattered crystalline regions within an amorphous material. In the amorphous region, disordered chains appear, a very common condition due to twists, folds and folds of the chains that prevent the ordering of each segment of each chain.

In general, few polymers have a sufficient structure to crystallize and even in these cases, it is never possible to achieve 100% crystalline structure and the degree of crystallization (Xc) must be determined, that is, the fraction of the polymer that presents a crystalline structure in relation to the total polymer, the rest will be amorphous.

The general tendency of the addition of nucleating agents in polymeric matrices is the acceleration or retardation of crystallization, changes in the size of the spherulites, changes in the morphology and in some cases changes in the crystal structure. If we focus on the effect of graphene materials on the crystallinity of polymers, we can summarize that; Graphene materials make it possible to control the size of spherulites (crystal growth) in polymeric compounds, which leads to controlling the crystalline zones, which are responsible for mechanical resistance, and the amorphous zones (associated with flexibility and elasticity). of the material). In addition to improving interfacial adhesion in polymer matrices with polar groups, such as nylon 6,6. On the other hand, another advantage of graphene materials as a nucleating agent in polymeric compounds is that the crystallization temperature (Tc) increases as the amount of graphene increases because the crystallization of the melt is promoted, that is, Less energy is needed to cool the molten polymer, saving time and energy.

A. Intramolecular bonding in Nylon 6,6/GO Nanocomposites. B. DSC thermograms. Cooling: (a) PA66, (b) PA66/01RGO, (c) PA66/05RGO, (d) PA66/10RGO, (e) PA66/01GO, (f) PA66/05GO, (g) PA66/10GO. Taken from Materials 2013,6.2

Currently Energeia – Graphenemex®, a leading Mexican company in Latin America in research and production of graphene materials for the development of applications at an industrial level, through its Graphenergy Masterbatch line, has developed and sells a wide range of masterbatches with graphene, based on various polymers, such as PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET and PA6. Our Masterbatches are granular materials that act as multifunctional reinforcements and effective nucleating agents.


  1. Gong, L., Yin, B., Li, L., & Yang, M. (2015). Nylon-6/Graphene composites modified through polymeric modification of graphene. Composites Part B: Engineering, 73, 49–56.
  2. Fabiola Navarro-Pardo, Gonzalo Martínez-Barrera, Ana Laura Martínez-Hernández, Víctor M. Castaño. Effects on the Thermo-Mechanical and Crystallinity Properties of Nylon 6,6 Electrospun Fibres Reinforced with One Dimensional (1D) and Two Dimensional (2D) Carbon. Materials 2013, 6.
  3. Zhang, F.; Peng, X.; Yan, W.; Peng, Z.; Shen, Y. Nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of in-situ nylon 6/graphene composites by differential scanning calorimetry. J. Polym. Sci. Part B. Polym. Phys. 2011, 49, 1381–1388.
  4. Yun, Y.S.; Bae, Y.H.; Kim, D.H.; Lee, J.Y.; Chin, I.J.; Jin, HJ. Reinforcing effects of adding alkylated graphene oxide to polypropylene. Carbon 2011, 49, 3553–3559.
  5. Cheng, S.; Chen, X.; Hsuan, Y.G.; Li, C.Y. Reduced graphene oxide induced polyethylene crystallization in solution and composites. Macromolecules 2012, 45, 993–1000.

Protecting concrete

Protecting concrete:

additives and coatings for greater durability in construction

“The compressive strength test is usually the most used parameter as an indicator of concrete quality; however, its value does not determine its durability by itself, that is, in addition to mechanical resistance, permeability and chemical resistance also influence its useful life”

The permeability of concrete is understood as the passage of water and aggressive ions through the capillaries between the aggregates and the cement paste; this is a complex phenomenon and depends above all on the atomic structure of the penetrating ions. One of the most harmful substances for concrete are chloride ions, these can be present from the beginning in the fresh mix, that is, dissolved in the aggregates, additives or in the water, or permeate from the outside, this being the case that exposes the greatest risk of corrosion. Although in general it can be said that the durability of concrete against atmospheric agents depends fundamentally on its permeability to water, while the durability with respect to aggressive salts, both for concrete and for reinforcement, depends on its resistance to the entry of chlorides. by different ways.

“The penetrability of the chlorides is manifested mainly by the diffusion of the ions in the concrete, rather than by the penetration of the entire solution into the samples. That is, the penetration of chlorides does not depend solely on the permeability of the water”

To protect concrete against corrosion, there are two main types of products: on the one hand, there are additives for fresh concrete mixes whose function is to act on the metal surface, canceling the anodic or cathodic reaction or both, and on the other, there are coatings. for the protection of hardened concrete. However, whatever the product used, anticorrosion protection is usually temporary, especially when the structures are subject to movements, loads or temperatures that could affect the performance of the protection or barrier placed.

In the previous article entitled Towards sustainable construction, we discussed the importance of the key nanometric component in the resistance of cement, known as hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H) or tobermorite gel, and it’s interesting interaction with graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles, a nanometric structure derived from graphite and of recent interest for the development of more resistant, durable and environmentally friendly structures.

GO is formed by nanometric sheets of carbon atoms linked in a hexagonal pattern and by a series of oxygenated groups anchored to its surface that facilitates its dispersion in water and combining with other materials, for example, with the nanoparticles present in cement (C-S-H).

In this regard, international studies show that the shape and surface chemistry of GO allow it to act as a platform to accelerate the hydration of cement and promote the creation of large amounts of C-S-H particles, from the formation of a new GO/ bond. C-S-H. This strong interaction gives rise to a denser network of interlocking cement crystals which, in addition to favoring the mechanical properties of the structures, also acts as a barrier against the infiltration of water through the capillary pores, but with an effect that last longer than currently available additives. This property is extremely important for the durability of concrete and for the prevention of alkali-silica reaction (ASR), an expansion reaction that occurs in the presence of moisture between alkaline cement paste and reactive amorphous silica causing cracks.

Electrical resistivity and corrosion rate Another important test for concrete is electrical resistivity and is defined as the resistance of a material to the passage of electrical charges; its measurement in concrete is a common test to identify the presence of moisture, as well as to predict the initiation period of corrosion in reinforced concrete based on the inverse relationship between electrical resistivity and ion diffusivity. That is, the higher the resistivity, the less movement of electrical charges caused by a lower porosity. The participation of graphene oxide nanoparticles in this property has also been evaluated in different studies that confirm that the GO/C-S-H interaction produces a more compact or less porous concrete that, in addition to reducing water and ion permeability, also limits the movement of electrical charges providing greater anticorrosive protection of metallic concrete structures.

Energeia Fusion (Graphenemex®), the leading Mexican company in Latin America in the research and production of graphene materials, for more than 10 years has been given the task of materializing the benefits of graphene on a scientific basis to turn it into real applications. Thus, after a long journey of research and with results comparable to those reported by various international studies regarding the use of graphene oxide in different products, including concrete, in 2018 it managed to launch Graphenergy Construcción®, the first additive on the market. for concrete with graphene oxide in the world; a multifunctional water-based additive that contributes to improve different properties of cement-based structures with a single application, such as:

  1. Remodeling of the microstructure of the cement paste with better interfacial bond GO/C-S-H,
  2. Better compactness of the cement,
  3. Less movement of electric charges,
  4. Decrease in the crack extension process,
  5. Significant reductions in the rate of calcium hydroxide handling,
  6. Greater mechanical resistance by improving its microstructure,
  7. Greater durability of the structures due to improvements in impermeability, resistance to chloride penetration and reduction of penetration depth.

It is important to remember that these effects may vary since, in addition to the type of graphene or graphene oxide used, the final properties of cement-based structures also depend on factors such as the water-cement ratio, degree of compaction of the mixture; the characteristics of cement, aggregates, additives, among others, but with proper management and monitoring of graphene additives, the results can be very interesting.

Drafting: EF/DHS


  1. Ultrahigh Performance Nanoengineered Graphene- Concrete Composites for Multifunctional Applications. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018; 28: 1705183;
  2. The role of graphene/graphene oxide in cement hydration. Nanotechnology Reviews. 2021;10(1): 768;
  3. Experimental study of the effects of graphene nanoplatelets on microstructure and compressive properties of concrete under chloride ion corrosión. Construction and Building Materials, 2022; 360, 129564;
  4. Effect Of On Graphene Oxide the Concrete Resistance to Chloride Ion Permeability. IOP Conf. Ser. 2018: Mater. Sci. Eng. 394 032020;
  5. Effects of graphene oxide on early-age hydration and electrical resistivity of Portland cement paste. Constr Build Mater. 2017; 136, 506;
  6. Recent progress on graphene oxide for next-generation concrete: Characterizations, applications and challenges. “J. Build. Eng. 2023; 69, 106192;
  7. Graphene nanoplatelet reinforced concrete for self-sensing structures – A lifecycle assessment perspective. J. Clean. Prod. 2019; 240, 118202;
  8. Graphene opens pathways to a carbon-neutral cement industry. Science Bulletin. 2021; 67;
  9. Reinforcing Effects of Graphene Oxide on Portland Cement Paste. J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2014; A4014010-1;
  10. A review on the properties, reinforcing effects, and commercialization of nanomaterials for cement-based materials. Nanotechnology Reviews 2020; 9: 303–322, 10;
  11. Permeabilidad a los cloruros del hormigón armado situado en ambiente marino sumergido. Revista Ingeniería de Construcción. 2007; 22: 1, 15;
  12. Penetrabilidad del hormigón al agua y a los iones agresivos como factor determinante de su durabilidad. Materiales de Construcción, 1973; 23: 150;
  13. La resistividad eléctrica como parámetro de control del hormigón y de su durabilidad. Revista ALCONPAT, 2011; 1(2),90;
  14. Portland cement blended with nanoparticles. Dyna, 2007; 74:152, 277;
  15. Improvement in concrete resistance against water and chloride ingress by adding graphene nanoplatelet. Cem concr res, 2016; 83: 114

Towards a sustainable construction

Towards a sustainable construction:

how graphene oxide increases the resistance of concrete and favors the reduction of CO2 emissions

The investigation of new technologies for the cement and concrete industry is not only limited to improving its durability, but also to seeking strategies to control its influence on climate change, taking as a background that this industry is the third largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and that the global challenge for 2030 is to reduce these emissions by at least 16%.


Nanotechnology for the cement industry is not a new concept, in fact, cement is considered a nanostructured material because 50 to 60% of its composition consists of nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm known as hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H). or tobermorite gel. This important nanometric component is the foundation for the development of new formulations applying other nanoparticles such as Nano Silica (n. SiO2), Nano Titanium Oxide (n. TiO2), Nano Ferric Oxide (n. Fe2O3), Nano Aluminum Oxide or alumina (n. Al2O3), Clay Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanoparticles, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoparticles or graphene oxide.

C-S-H fills the empty spaces in the cement, improves the density, cohesion, impermeability and resistance of the cement”

Graphene oxide (GO) is a carbon nanoparticle obtained from the oxidation and exfoliation of graphite. Its well-known mechanical and impermeability properties, combined with a nucleating and densifying effect on the microstructure of cement, captured the attention of scientists and industries when they discovered that the use of low concentrations of this nanomaterial allows the development of more resistant, durable, and friendly structures with the environment.

“GO promotes the formation of C-S-H to improve and accelerate cement hydration through a new chemical bond”

How does GO interact with cement?

Although it is perfectly documented that C-S-H is responsible for 60 to 80% of the strength of cement, recent research has shown that GO further favors these results and that it is not exclusive to improve mechanical strength, but also contributes with other properties such as impermeability, anticorrosiveness and/or thermal insulation. The benefits that GO brings to cement itself or to cement-based materials are attributed to the interaction between the carboxyl groups (COOH) of GO with the C-S-H of the cement to form strong GO/C-S-H chemical bonds. This occurs in the following way, when the cement comes into contact with water, it dissolves and releases large amounts of ions; On the other hand, GO, by presenting a large surface area and good capacity to increase the mobility of Ca2+ ions in the cement paste, GO allows them to be adsorbed on it. In other words, GO acts as a platform to enhance the nucleation or promotion effect to form a large number of C-S-H particles (fig. 1), a phenomenon that ultimately facilitates the hydration process at an early age and which in turn leads to the formation of denser, more resistant and less permeable microstructures.

“Hydration is the process by which cement reacts chemically in the presence of water, develops binding properties and becomes a bonding agent.”

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the interaction of the cement paste in the presence of graphene and graphene oxide.
Taken from: Nanotechnology Reviews (2021), vol. 10, no. 1,768

Mechanical resistance vs. lower CO2 emissions

The compressive strength test is the most common measure to control the quality of concrete and, therefore, it is also the most widely used technique to evaluate the effect of GO on these structures. According to tests carried out in the laboratory, the presence of GO in the concrete can exceed 50% of the expected resistance, while field evaluations report improvement fluctuations in the range of 5% to 50%. This variation is due to the fact that, in addition to the type of GO and dosage studied, like any concrete structure, the resistance also depends on factors such as the water-cement ratio, the degree of compaction of the mix; the characteristics of the cement, aggregates and additives; the age of the concrete; the temperature and hygrometry of the curing environment. However, these values are attractive enough to be used not only in the design of more resistant structures, but also with lower cement content to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. In fact, in 2019 a study carried out by researchers from the University of Cambridge revealed that, if the addition of graphene nanoparticles managed to reduce just 5% of the cement in the concrete mix, its effect on global warming would be reduced by one 21%”.

Due to the foregoing and, from the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) held in 2015, which concluded with the adoption of the Decision and the Paris Agreement that, from 2020 promotes low-carbon development to keep the global temperature rise below 2°C, companies from countries such as England, Spain, the United States, Vietnam and Mexico have accelerated their efforts to promote the benefits of graphene nanotechnology in favor of the environment.

Energeia Fusion, the leading Mexican company in Latin America in the production of graphene materials and the development of applications, in 2018 launched Graphenergy Construcción®, the first additive for concrete with graphene oxide in the world; a multifunctional water-based additive that contributes to improving different properties of cement-based structures with a single application. Likewise, in the short term it hopes to have a graphene-reinforced cement available and contribute to achieving environmental commitments.


  1. Ultrahigh Performance Nanoengineered Graphene- Concrete Composites for Multifunctional Applications. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705183;
  2. The role of graphene/graphene oxide in cement hydration. Nanotechnology Reviews. 2021;10(1): 768;
  3. Experimental study Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 360, 129564;
  4. Effect Of On Graphene Oxide the Concrete Resistance to Chloride Ion Permeability. IOP Conf. Ser. 2018: Mater. Sci. Eng. 394 032020;
  5. Effects of graphene oxide on early-age hydration and electrical resistivity of Portland cement paste. Constr Build Mater. 2017, 136, 506;
  6. Recent progress on graphene oxide for next-generation concrete: Characterizations, applications and challenges. “J. Build. Eng. 2023, 69, 106192;
  7. Graphene nanoplatelet reinforced concrete for self-sensing structures – A lifecycle assessment perspective. J. Clean. Prod. 2019, 240, 118202;
  8. Graphene opens pathways to a carbon-neutral cement industry. 2021, Science Bulletin 67;
  9. Reinforcing Effects of Graphene Oxide on Portland Cement Paste. J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2014. A4014010-1;
  10. A review on the properties, reinforcing effects, and commercialization of nanomaterials for cement-based materials. Nanotechnology Reviews 2020; 9: 303–322, 10;
  11. Permeabilidad a los cloruros del hormigón armado situado en ambiente marino sumergido. Revista Ingeniería de Construcción. 2007, 22, 1, 15;
  12. Penetrabilidad del hormigón al agua y a los iones agresivos como factor determinante de su durabilidad. Materiales de Construcción, 1973, 23, 150;
  13. La resistividad eléctrica como parámetro de control del hormigón y de su durabilidad. Revista ALCONPAT, 2011, 1(2),90;
  14. Portland cement blended with nanoparticles. Dyna, 2007, 74, 152, 277

The graphene additive for concrete

The graphene additive for concrete:

a revolutionary thermal insulator in construction

In recent years, the construction industry is looking formward to improve the properties of mortar and concrete, to increase their durability, especially in structures exposed to aggressive or extreme environments. Among the properties that are sought to improve, is the resistance to compression, the resistance to compression tension, as well as to reduce cracking. With the increase in the volume of concrete in civil engineering projects, more attention has been paid to the thermal cracks that occur. Experimentation has shown that during the hydration process of the mortar and/or concrete, heat is generated due to the exothermic reactions that occur. Poor heat dissipation causes a gradient between the interior of the mass and its surface, which generates internal stresses and can lead to cracking or thermal cracking in the concrete.

Nowadays, graphene oxide (GO), a graphene precursor material, has attracted a lot of attention because it is an insulating material, with low thermal property and has extraordinary mechanical properties. GO has a large surface area (2600 m2/g) and the presence of oxygenated groups gives it unique properties that make it easily dispersed in water, making it an ideal nanomaterial for the development of concrete additives.

Although the mechanical properties of cement-based compounds and structures are important in building infrastructure, the thermal insulation property is very important to reduce energy consumption for air conditioning and heating in buildings. Therefore, GO is a good candidate due to its low thermal conductivity properties. Thermal conductivity is defined as the ability of a material to transfer heat. It is the phenomenon by which heat spreads from high-temperature areas (warmer) to colder areas within the material. In the case of GO, the presence of holes and functional groups on the GO surface cause local stress or instability, resulting in a reduction in thermal conductivity of up to 2 to 3 orders of magnitude (<100 W/m-K). In the GO, the propagation of heat flux occurs in the vacant regions (voids) and in the oxygenated functional groups of the GO surface (Figure 1). When a heat flux attempts to traverse the GO through some defect or vacancy, the heat flux not only propagates out of plane, but also disturbs the heat flux around the basal plane gap.

Figure 1. Schematic image of graphene oxide (GO) sheet with vacancy or defect defects
and randomly distributed oxygenated functional groups.

Recent investigations have reported the improvement of the thermal insulation properties of cement-based composite materials by adding different concentrations of GO, as well as the effect of GO on increasing compressive strength and greater impermeability to chloride ions. and water in concrete. The incorporation of GO decreased microcracking, the porosity of the material (decreases the volume of pores) and improved compaction. GO sheets become a barrier to crack propagation, which improves mechanical properties. The compressive strength of the specimens of the compounds with GO concentrations of 0.05% by weight increased by up to 18.7% and 13.7% at a curing age of 7 and 28 days, respectively. In the case of the evaluations of the thermal properties of the compounds, the thermal conductivity was 0.578 W/m K for the specimen without GO (control) and 0.490 W/m K for the compound with 0.1 % by weight of GO, while that the thermal diffusivity values oscillate between 0.38× 10-6 and 0.33× 10-6 m2/s (Figure 2). Thermal conductivity decreases with increasing GO content due to low conductivity or excellent insulating effect of GO sheets and good interactions between mortar and GO sheets. Generally, material with thermal conductivity values of less than 0.250 W/m K is known as a thermal insulator. Therefore, the thermal insulation of the mortar is improved in the compounds with the incorporation of GO.

Figure 2. a) Comparative graphs of the compressive strength of the compounds at different concentrations of GO at the curing age of 3, 7, 21, 28 and 77 days. b) Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the compounds, at the curing age of 7 days.

Energeia -Graphenemex® developed and sells an admixture for concrete with graphene oxide (Graphenergy Construction). A nanotechnological additive that improves mechanical resistance, impermeability and provides an antimicrobial effect to any cement-based material. The additive can also manage to reduce the final number of pores in the set product, which translates into a more compact product and greater impermeability to the passage of water, improving the protection against corrosion of steel cores in concrete.

The thermal insulation property of the additive can achieve a reduction in the temperature of concrete-based structures, infrastructure, or buildings to a more comfortable temperature inside (up to 3 °C), reducing energy consumption for air conditioning and/or or heating in buildings.


  1. Janjaroen, Khammahong. The Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Cement CAST Mortar/Graphene Oxide Composites MaterialsInt J Concr Struct Mater (2022).
  2. Yi Yang, Jing Cao y col.Thermal Conductivity of Defective Graphene Oxide: A Molecular Dynamic Study. Molecules 2019, 24, 1103.
  3. Guojian Jing, Zhengmao Ye y col. Introducing reduced graphene oxide to enhance the thermal properties of cement composites. Cement and Concrete Composites 109 (2020) 103559.

Innovation in the production of composite materials: the use of graphene in pultrusion

Innovation in the production of composite materials:

the use of graphene in pultrusion

Fiber-reinforced polymeric composites are widely used in the aerospace, automotive, naval, and wind power generation sectors due to their lightweight properties and high mechanical strength. These materials are a booming alternative to replace other materials such as metals.

At present there are different methods for the manufacture of fiber-reinforced composites, among which the pultrusion method stands out. A highly efficient and automated method that allows control of process parameters (greater precision and accuracy), reducing variability in the production of parts.

Pultrusion is a production process for reinforced materials where two components can be distinguished, the matrix or continuous phase and the reinforcement or discontinuous phase. The matrix acts as a bonding agent, in which the reinforcement is embedded. The function of the matrix is to transfer the load to the fibers, keep the fibers in their position, prevent the propagation of cracks, provide physical and chemical properties of the composite and also define the temperature range that the composite material can withstand. The matrix is thermosetting or thermosetting (unsaturated polyester, epoxy resins or vinyl-ester resins). On the other hand, the reinforcement has the purpose of adding some property that the matrix does not have, such as increasing mechanical resistance, rigidity, resistance to abrasion or improving its performance when exposed to high temperatures. The reinforcement efficiency is greater, the smaller the size of the particles or the diameter of the fiber and the more homogeneously they are distributed in the matrix. The most used fibers are glass, carbon and aramid due to their high tensile strength.

The pultrusion process (Figure 1) is continuous and is used to manufacture parts with a constant cross section, such as poles, rods, automotive moldings, etc. In the first feeding stage, the reinforcing fibers go through a perforated plate for alignment, then they go through a pre-molding where a fabric is added to reinforce the fiber. Later, in the second stage, the fibers are impregnated with liquid resin and go to a pre-forming stage where the fibers are oriented before entering the mold. In the third stage (molding), the cross section of the part is shaped, and the resin is hardened by applying heat. During the application of heat in the mold, there are three phases: pre-heating of the matrix and reinforcement, activation of the polymerization catalyst and curing of the material. The profile then exits the mold as a thermoset material and passes into a continuous traction mechanism that pulls the material at a constant speed (fourth stage)). Finally, in the fifth stage, a disk saw cuts the profile to the desired length. The profile of the reinforced composite obtained is a completely rigid material, which does not soften and is insoluble with the ability to withstand high temperatures.

Figure 1. General scheme of the pultrusion process: (1) Feeding, (2) Impregnation, (3) Molding, (4) Traction device and (5) Saw (Cutting).

Currently, the main applications of this process are focused on the manufacture of materials for construction, transport, and consumables, for example: vehicle construction, thermal insulation, cable ducts, covers and grids for water treatment plants, beam profiles, building facades, windows, bridges, stairs, among others.

However, there are still limitations in this technology, the low chemical interaction of the fiber with the matrix (resin) leads to a weak interface bond strength between both phases (low chemical adhesion), which makes the behavior of interlaminar shearing and performance of composite materials is not entirely satisfactory. In other words, if the matrix is brittle, spontaneous rupture can be generated. This behavior makes it possible to measure the resistance to interlaminar shearing. Depending on the type of break, the resistance of the matrix material or the quality of the fiber-matrix bond can be characterized.

In recent years, it has been reported that the introduction of functionalized graphene oxide (GO) on the surface of the fibers is an effective method to improve the interfacial properties of composite materials, since the large surface area of graphene oxide allows covering the surface of the fibers, increasing the strength of the chemical bond between the fiber and the matrix, thus improving the mechanical resistance of the reinforced composites. In addition, graphene oxide helps to improve the resistance to interlaminar fracture of the composite material, inhibiting the initiation and propagation of cracks.

The addition of graphene oxide to reinforced polymeric composites offers numerous advantages for the development of advanced materials in a wide variety of applications due to its large surface area, which has a strong impact on mechanical strength properties, greatly improving properties such as modulus, toughness, and fatigue. On the other hand, graphene oxide can provide compounds with greater resistance to fire. Its efficiency is associated with the fact that graphene oxide has a strong barrier effect, high thermal stability, and great surface absorption capacity, which are favorable for effectively reducing heat and mass transfer.

Currently, EnergeiaGraphenemex®, a leading Mexican company in Latin America in the research and production of graphene materials for the development of applications at an industrial level, sells graphene and graphene oxide that can be incorporated or dispersed in any matrix (resin) during the pultrusion process and with them improve the mechanical properties of the profiles or products.

The incorporation of graphene materials (graphene, graphene oxide) in the pultrusion process, provide improvements in the characteristics of the final product, which include:

  • Greater tensile strength. Tensile strength can increase up to 30% compared to a standard profile without graphene.
  • Production of lighter weight profiles since graphene allows the weight of the product to be reduced without affecting its mechanical properties.
  • Profiles with higher modulus of elasticity.
  • Greater resistance to corrosion and fire-retardant properties.
  • Greater resistance to fractures or fissures.


  1. Yuxin He, Qiuyu Chen. Effect of multiscale reinforcement by fiber surface treatment with polyvinyl alcohol/graphene oxide/oxidized carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties of reinforced hybrid fiber composites. Composites Science and Technology 204 (2021).108634.
  2. Jonas H. M. Stiller, Kristina Roder, David Lopitz. Combining Pultrusion with carbonization: Process Analysis and materials properties of CFRP. Ceramics 2023, 6. 330-341.
  3. Dittrich B, Wartig K-A, Hofmann D, Mu¨lhaupt R, Schartel B. Flame retardancy through carbon nanomaterials: carbon black, multiwall nanotubes, expanded graphite, multi-layer graphene and graphene in polypropylene. Polym Degrad Stab 98:1495.

Graphene in protection against electromagnetic radiation

Graphene in protection

against electromagnetic radiation

The development of communication technology together with electronic devices has generated great concern regarding the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these technologies.

Electromagnetic radiation is a type of electromagnetic field, that is, a combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which propagates through space carrying energy from one place to another. Electromagnetic radiation can manifest itself in various ways, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays or gamma rays and correspond to different wavelengths, ranging from kilometers (radio waves) to the order of picometers (gamma rays). The full range of wavelengths is what is called the electromagnetic spectrum (Figure 1.).

Electromagnetic radiation can be high frequency (radiation from mobile and wireless telephones, radio frequencies, TV waves, microwaves, radar, satellite signals, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) and low frequency (fields generated by cables or electrical consumers).

Heat and electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation) are unavoidable by-products in electronic devices, especially those that operate at high frequencies. As electronic devices get smaller, they operate at higher and higher frequencies, generating even more heat and electromagnetic waves.

High frequency electromagnetic radiation not only degrades the devices themselves (producing heat), but also tends to interfere with neighboring electronic devices and most importantly, it has an adverse effect on human health as it can cause many diseases, such as leukemia, miscarriages, and brain cancer.

Therefore, the blocking or protection (shielding) against electromagnetic radiation could be one of the solutions to minimize health risks and for the protection of electronic equipment and/or devices. Metals are natural electromagnetic blocking materials, capable of reflecting electromagnetic waves due to their free electrons, which explains their high electrical conductivity and low penetration depth. However, their heavy weight, cost and the susceptibility of metals to corrosion make their use limited if not impossible.

The use of conductive coatings or paints to block electromagnetic radiation is the most viable option to solve the problem. Graphene is currently the most revolutionary nanotechnological additive in the coatings industry. Because graphene has extraordinary properties, which include high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, and mechanical resistance. In addition, it possesses other distinctive properties, including gas impermeability, chemical resistance, antibacterial potential, and large surface area.

The electrical conduction capacity and thermal conductivity of graphene can be exploited in the formulation of shielding coatings against EM radiation, since graphene forms a continuous network along the surface of the coating, creating homogeneous films that block radiation. electromagnetic radiation while dissipating excess heat. In recent studies, it has been reported that the incorporation of carbon-based nanostructures, such as graphene in coatings or paints, allows the development of coatings with high electrical conductivity for shielding or protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI). The way to act with respect to high frequency electromagnetic waves is by refraction. Electromagnetic waves will bounce (reflect) off the treated surface similar to the effect of a mirror with respect to light (See Fig. 2). The barrier-effect in the propagation could be attributed to the contribution coming from the reflection capacity, the absorption and multiple internal reflections. The shielding efficiency increases with the addition of a higher concentration of graphene in the polymeric matrix of the coating. These graphene coatings can block more than 99.98% of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Figure 2. Percentage of Reflection, absorption and transmission of pristine epoxy (a) and epoxy with graphene (b).
Taken from Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 5. 1800558

These coatings against electromagnetic radiation can act for both high frequency and low frequency, with an excellent quality of attenuation (decrease in intensity of signals or electric waves) of up to 38 dB, with one hand, and 47 dB if applied. two hands.

Energeia – Graphenemex®, a leading Mexican company in Latin America in research and production of graphene materials for the development of applications at an industrial level, through its Graphenergy line, is constantly researching and developing new multifunctional coatings and currently has for sale a wide range of nanotechnological coatings with graphene. Shielding coatings against electromagnetic radiation are currently being developed and evaluated. Coatings with high electrical conductivity, to reduce high and low frequency electrical fields respectively. These coatings will also offer anticorrosive and antimicrobial protection. In addition, to provide high resistance to wear, resistance to UV rays, impermeability and extraordinary adhesion.


  1. Suneel Kumar Srivastava, Kunal Manna, Recent advancements in the electromagnetic interference shielding performance of nanostructured materials and their nanocomposites: a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10.1039/D1TA09522F, 10, 14, (7431-7496), (2022).
  2. Kargar, F., Barani, Z., Balinskiy, M., Magana, A. S., Lewis, J. S., Balandin, A. A., Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 5, 1800558.
  3. Seul Ki Hong et al 2012 Nanotechnology 23 455704.
  4. Lekshmi Omana, Anoop Chandran*, Reenu Elizabeth John, Runcy Wilson. Recent Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding: A Review. Omega 2022, 7, 30, 25921–25947

Improve safety with flame retardant polymeric compounds with graphene oxide

Improve safety with flame retardant polymeric compounds

with graphene oxide

Polymeric compounds (engineering plastics) are widely used in the automotive, construction, food, aerospace and other sectors. Its use is based on the weight/resistance ratio, physical stability, chemical resistance and corrosion resistance.

However, most polymers, due to their nature, are flammable and combustible. That is, they are materials that catch fire quickly when exposed to fire, undergoing degradation, Veo complicadoand releasing heat to later start the propagation of the flames. During the combustion of polymers, they release smoke (soot) and toxic gases that are a danger to the safety of human life and property.

Four key components are involved during the combustion of polymeric materials: heat, oxygen, fuel, and free radical reaction. Flame retardancy of polymeric composites can be achieved by inhibiting or perturbing one or more of these components.

In recent years, multiple investigations have been carried out to develop additives that help inhibit or reduce the flammability of polymers, these additives are known as flame retardants.

Conventional flame retardants can be classified into two main categories, based on their components: inorganic flame retardants and organic flame retardants. The first include hydroxide, metal oxide, phosphate, silicate among others. They have excellent thermal stability, are non-toxic, are low cost and do not produce pollution. However, inorganic flame retardants are limited by high loading, low compatibility, and aggregation. On the other hand, organic flame retardants include flame retardants containing halogens, phosphorous, phosphorous-nitrogen, etc. The latter have high efficiency and good compatibility with polymers. Their main disadvantage is that they are restricted because they can release toxic gases and be harmful during combustion, endangering the health of people and the environment.

Graphene oxide (GO) is currently the most novel nanomaterial for use as a flame retardant because it exhibits high efficiency as a retardant with low loads and is non-toxic. Its efficiency is associated with the fact that graphene oxide has a strong barrier effect, high thermal stability and great surface absorption capacity, which are favorable for reducing heat and mass transfer.

Graphene-based flame retardants can improve the flame resistance of polymers by inhibiting the two key terms: heat and fuel. More specifically, graphene oxide can function as a flame retardant in different synergistic ways.

  1. First of all, GO has a unique two-dimensional layer structure and can promote the formation of a continuous dense layer of carbon during the combustion process. Carbon can act as a physical barrier to prevent heat transfer from the heat source and delay the escape of products (pyrolysis) from the polymeric substrate.
  2. Second, GO has a large specific surface area and can effectively adsorb flammable volatile organic compounds or hinder their release and diffusion during combustion.
  3. Third, GO contains abundant reactive oxygen-containing groups (carboxyl group at the edges, as well as epoxy and hydroxyl groups at the basal planes in the sheets). For example, oxygen-containing groups can undergo decomposition and dehydration at low temperatures, thus absorbing heat and cooling the polymeric substrate during combustion. Meanwhile, the gases generated by dehydration can dilute the oxygen concentration around the ignition periphery, decreasing the risk of fire spread.
  4. It can also modify the rheological behavior of the polymer and prevent its dripping, thus hindering the release and diffusion of volatile decomposition products through the ”maze effect” and affecting the flame retardancy of compounds (for example, modifying the UL-94 classification, oxygen index (OI) and time to ignition (TTI).

In studies carried out, it has been found that the incorporation of functionalized graphene oxide (5% by weight) in Polypropylene (PP) increased the Young’s modulus and the elastic limit of PP by 53% and 11%, respectively. While in the results of the flammability test (UL-94), it indicates that the presence of GO produces a change in the behavior of the melt and prevents the material from dripping.

On the other hand, the preparation of polymeric compounds in melt blending (extrusion) of Polystyrene/GO have been reported, where it was found that GO (5%) can promote carbonization on the polymer surface (layer of carbonized material). and inside, the presence of a load or filler that presents high resistance to heat and contributes to the formation of carbon residues, improving the flame resistance of polystyrene-based compounds.

Currently Energeia – Graphenemex®, a leading Mexican company in Latin America in research and production of graphene materials for the development of applications at an industrial level, through its Graphenergy Masterbatch line, has developed a wide range of masterbatches with graphene oxide, based on various polymers, such as PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET and PA6.

The incorporation of graphene and graphene derivatives (GO) to polymeric matrices has allowed the development of polymeric compounds with better mechanical properties, greater thermal stability, gas barrier capacity and reduced flammability of polymeric compounds.


  1. Han Y, Wu Y, Shen M, Huang X, Zhu J, Zhang X. Preparation and properties of polystyrene nanocomposites with graphite oxide and graphene as flame retardants. J Mater Sci 48:4214.
  2. Hofmann D, Wartig K-A, Thomann R, Dittrich B, Schartel B, Mu¨lhaupt R. Functionalized graphene and carbon materials as additives for melt-extruded flame retardant polypropylene. Macromol Mater Eng 298:1322.
  3. Dittrich B, Wartig K-A, Hofmann D, Mu¨lhaupt R, Schartel B. Flame retardancy through carbon nanomaterials: carbon black, multiwall nanotubes, expanded graphite, multi-layer graphene and graphene in polypropylene. Polym Degrad Stab 98:1495.

Innovation in the plastics industry: how graphene masterbatches are changing the game

Innovation in the plastics industry:

how graphene masterbatches are changing the game

Graphene has extraordinary electrical, optical, thermal properties and high mechanical resistance. The properties of graphene are attributed to its structure in the form of two-dimensional (2D) sheets, formed by hexagonal bonded carbon atoms and a thickness of one carbon atom.

Today, graphene is the most promising nanotechnological additive in the plastics industry. The incorporation of graphene and its derivatives (graphene oxide, GO) in different polymer matrices (masterbatches), have great potential for a wide range of applications. The graphene masterbatch can act as a mechanical reinforcement or conductive additive for both thermoplastic and thermosetting materials. They can be used in the automotive, aerospace, electronics or packaging sectors.

Graphene-based polymeric compounds have shown significant improvements in properties such as elastic modulus, tensile strength, impact resistance, electrical conductivity, resistance to UV radiation, thermal stability, antimicrobial property, impermeability or barrier effect (it does not allow the diffusion of moisture or other molecules).

Currently Energeia – Graphenemex®, a leading Mexican company in Latin America in research and production of graphene materials for the development of applications at an industrial level, through its Graphenergy Masterbatch line, has developed and sells a wide range of masterbatches with graphene, based on various polymers, such as PP, HDPE, LDPE, PET and PA6.

Our Masterbatches are granular materials that act as multifunctional additives. The incorporation of graphene in different polymer matrices has shown important effects on the properties and processing conditions of plastics, among which are:

  • Increased resistance to tension, deformation and impact
  • Increased resistance to ultraviolet rays
  • Excellent dispersion
  • Improves processing conditions (thermal stability)
  • Acts as a nucleating agent (modification of the crystallization temperature of the polymer)

In this sense, it has been found that the incorporation of graphene and its derivatives, as well as the concentration, can modify the physicomechanical properties of the polymer to be processed. The addition of masterbatch to different polymers has improved the final characteristics of the material to a lesser or greater extent, for example:

  • Additivation of Polypropylene (PP) with polypropylene-graphene masterbatch (MB-PP/GO), increases tensile strength (8%) and rupture percentage (29%).
  • Additivation of Polyethylene (PE) with polyethylene-graphene masterbatch (MB-PE/GO), improves tensile strength (17%), flexural strength and rupture strength (66%).
  • Additivation of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with polyethylene terephthalate-graphene masterbatch (MB-PET/GO), improves resistance to humidity, increases tensile strength (72.2%) and improves impact resistance.
  • Additivation of Polycarbonate (PC) with polycarbonate-graphene masterbatch (MB-PC/GO), improves resistance to humidity and improves resistance to rupture (276%).

On the other hand, graphene masterbatches can also be incorporated into recycled polymers. Currently, the reuse and recycling of plastic materials are of vital importance in the transition path towards a circular economy. In this regard, the constant washing, pelletizing and reprocessing can cause the loss of physicomechanical properties of recycled plastics, therefore, by adding graphene, these properties can be restored or improved. In agricultural applications, mulch films with increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation can be produced.


  1. Fang, M., et al., Covalent polymer functionalization of graphene nanosheets and mechanical properties of composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 19(38): p. 7098-7105.
  2. Kim, H., A.A. Abdala, and C.W. Macosko, Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites. Macromolecules. 43(16): p. 6515-6530.
  3. Balandin, A.A., et al., Superior Thermal Conductivity of Sin gle-Layer Graphene. Nano Letters, 8(3): p. 902-907.
  4. Nabira Fatima, Umair Yaqub Qazi, Asim Mansha., Recent developments for antimicrobial applications of graphene-based polymeric composites: A review,